Call for Papers-2013

Deadline for Abstracts has been extended until 30-March

Sustech graphic

Building Careers
& Shaping
Public Policy
Region 6
& the Oregon

Call for Papers (Download Updated Call for Papers Here)

Technical Program Committee
Jim Morris
Portland State UniversityEnergy Efficiency Track
Daniel N. Donahoe, PE Chair
Michael O’Keefe, co-Chair
Big Ladder SoftwareElectric Vehicles Track
Dan Hammerstrom, Chair
Portland State University
Lee Stogner

Smart Grid Track
Bob Bass, Chair
Portland State University
Annabelle Pratt, co-Chair
Intel Labs

Alternative Energy Track
Mohamed Osman, Chair
Washington State University – Tri-Cities
Pengwei (David) Du, co-Chair
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Electronic Materials Track
Chuck Bauer, Chair
Tech Lead Corp.
Ning-Cheng Lee, co-Chair

Quality of Life Track
Guruprasad Madhavan, Chair,
National Academy of Sciences

The 1st IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech) will be held

in conjunction with the 2013 IEEE-USA Annual Meeting in

Portland, Oregon on August 1st & 2nd, 2013.

 The conference is organized in six tracks:

  • Alternative Energy (e.g. solar, wind, tidal, fuel cells, energy harvesting, nuclear)
  • Energy Efficiency (e.g. building design, auto electronics & fuel economy, computer farms, aviation)
  • Electric Vehicles (e.g. motors, drive controls, batteries, environmental & power distribution impacts)
  • Smart Grid (e.g. communications, control, power electronics, energy storage)
  • Electronic Materials (e.g. ROHS/no-Pb/CFCs, life-cycle assessment, global materials supply, nanotechnology & health/environment)
  • Quality of Life (e.g. EM spectrum allocation, global warming, autonomous vehicles, water, medical electronics, global education & human resources)

and will feature distinguished invited speakers in each track. Full papers will be published in the Proceedings and IEEE Xplore®. As appropriate for a conference associated with IEEE USA, topics with policy implications are especially welcome, in both technologies for sustainability and sustainable technologies.

Papers are solicited for both oral and poster presentation from industry, government and academia (including students) covering relevant research, technologies, methodologies, tools and case studies. The intention of the conference is to explore the comprehensive nature of the sustainability concept and to emphasize the role of technology in achieving a sustainable life style. The topic listings above are meant to indicate the breadth of the area and are definitely not to be considered exhaustive.

To submit a 2-page abstract, please visit: page and follow the instructions there.


Revised Conference Schedule:
Abstract deadline:   30th March 2013  SusTech Program Chair:  Jim Morris (
 Acceptance notification:   15th April 2013  SusTech General Chair:  Ed Perkins (
 Final paper deadline:   30th May 2013  IEEE-USA Meeting Chair:  Lee Oien (

SUSTECH 2013 is co-sponsored by IEEE-USA, IEEE Region 6, and the Oregon IEEE Section

Key Dates



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