Special Sessions 2021

Session Date/Time


FS1 April 22, 9:05- 10:25 AM PT Sustainability for 5G and 6G
FS2 April 23, 9:05 – 10:25 AM PT IEEE Standards and Initiatives for Sustainability:
The path to a smart electric power system
FS3 April 24, 11:10 AM – 12:10 PM PT IEEE Standards and Initiatives for Sustainability:
“Building an Enhanced IEEE Sustainability Community – New Initiatives and Standards Activities to Accelerate and Amplify IEEE Leadership in Supporting Sustainable Development Goals”


FS1: Sustainability for 5G and 6G

Date: April 22, 9:05- 10:25 AM PT

IEEE Standards and Initiatives for Sustainability

FS2: The path to a smart electric power system

Date: April 23, 9:05 – 10:25 AM PT

This session will provide an overview of Smart Grid activities within IEEE, NIST and other industry efforts.   We will include a discussion of the NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability (V4.0) and IEEE P2030 Guide for Interoperability of the Electric Power system standard project.  We will also discuss other industry activities required to support the deployment of smart grid.


Time (PT)



9:05 AM Introduction of Smart Grid Activities Overview of standards projects and outreach activities
9:15 NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Review Concept and new elements of Release 4.0
9:40 IEEE 2030 Smart Grid Approach Discuss Power Systems, Communications Technology and Information Technology
9:45 IEEE P2030 Revision Overview of Active Project
10:00 Use Cases and Industry Support Activities Overview of needed industry activities and programs
10:15 AM Summary and Takeaway Q&A



Avi Gopstein – Smart Grid Program Manager, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Doug Houseman – Principal Consultant at 1898 & Co. A Burns & McDonnell division

Mark Siira – IEEE P2030 Working Group Chair, IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 21 Chair, IEEE SA Standards Board  – Standards Review Committee (RevCom) and Audit Committee (AudCom)


Speaker Bios:

Mark Siira is a senior member of IEEE and currently active as a leader in several standards making organizations –  Concurrent leadership roles related to standards include:

  • Chair of IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 21 – IEEE Coordinating Committee on Interconnection and Smart Grid Interoperability
  • Chair of IEEE P2030 – Guide for Smart Grid Interoperability, IEEE 2030.2-2015 – Guide for Energy Storage Interoperability, Vice-Chair for IEEE1547 Interconnection Standard Revision.
  • Mark is also an active participant in the IEEE Power Systems Relaying Committee, including K10 Liaison, C26 Protection Testing.
  • Mark is a member of the UL Standards Technical Panels 1741 (Inverters), UL2200 (Generators) and 3001 (Systems).

Mark has a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Degree from GMI Engineering and Management Institute (now Kettering University), and an MBA from Harvard Business School.




IEEE Standards and Initiatives for Sustainability

FS3: “Building an Enhanced IEEE Sustainability Community – New Initiatives and Standards Activities to Accelerate and Amplify IEEE Leadership in Supporting Sustainable Development Goals”

Date: April 24, 11:10 AM – 12:10 PM PT

Speaker: Rudi Schubert, IEEE Standards Association

Standards are an enabler of emerging technology solutions and a key to the interoperability of products and systems. The IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) has published thousands of standards, developed by IEEE volunteers across the spectrum of technology areas covered by IEEE technical societies. In recent years, the IEEE SA has gone beyond standards, using its well established consensus building capabilities to address new technology issues at very early stages to incubate the next generation of standards based solutions. Additionally, the societal context of technology has become increasingly important in establishing the foundational considerations for future standardization initiatives. From the ethical considerations of artificial intelligence to new initiatives in sustainability and renewable energy, IEEE SA programs are working to stay ahead of rapidly evolving technologies and societal priorities. These programs are open, transparent and inclusive, welcoming the ideas and contributions of all. This presentation will provide an overview of IEEE SA programs relative to sustainability, IEEE initiatives to broaden participation of the sustainability community and emerging issues of interest to the SusTech community.


Rudi Schubert is the Director, New Initiatives for the IEEE Standards Association, and lead for its Energy Practice. He leads the IEEE Industry Connections program, operating consensus building interest groups across a portfolio of emerging issues and topics including sustainability, renewable energy, autonomous and intelligent systems, big data, next generation vehicle technologies and many others. Before joining the IEEE, Rudi was a principal engineer for EnerNex, providing technical expertise on technology standards and testing programs to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). He also spent twenty years in progressively expanding leadership roles with Telcordia Technologies (formerly Bellcore) establishing technical criteria and implementation methodologies that become a mandated compliance and certification standard used by US telecom carriers for technology deployment.

Rudi has a 25+ year record of leading, developing and implementing industry standards and testing programs, and facilitating teams to achieve consensus expectations for functional performance, interoperability, product robustness and safety.  He holds bachelors and masters degrees in mechanical engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey.


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