Sustainability Forum 2023

SusTech 2023 Sustainability Forum Program

Saturday April 22, 8:00 am – 4:45 pm PT (UTC-7)

The Sustainability Forum is a unique conference track at SusTech 2023 that focuses on the aspirations and goals of industry practitioners and technical professionals. This one-day event features a unique blend of experts in policy, leadership, and technology. It features talks on: energy efficiency goals and barriers to achieve them; the role advances in electronic materials and components play in advancing sustainability; policy efforts to support sustainability; distributed power generation and storage; and the role of people in achieving sustainability. There will be a panel on “Implementing a Sustainable Future for Aviation: An Ecosystem Approach” organized by the AIAA.

The Forum is available as a one-day stand-alone registration. Lunch is included. CEU/PDH credit is available upon request.

Time Session Speaker(s)
8:00 am Opening Remarks and Keynote 1: Where We Thought We Would Be and Where We Think We’re Going, Eric Olson, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA)
9:00 am Keynote 2 Electronics materials and components enabling sustainability, Dan Donahoe
10:00 am Panel 1 Implementing a Sustainable Future for Aviation: An Ecosystem Approach (organized by AIAA)
11:45 am Special Session IEEE-USA’s policy efforts to support sustainable technology, Russell Harrison, Managing Director, IEEE-USA
12:15 pm LUNCH
1:15 pm Keynote 3 Distributed Power Generation and Storage for a Renewable Future, Mahima Gupta, Portland State University
2:15 pm Keynote 4
Second-Life EV Batteries for Renewable and Smart Grid Storage Applications, Chris Mi, San Diego State University
3:15 pm Keynote 5
From Boundaries to Beauty – The Human Side of Sustainability, John Havens, Lead of Sustainability Practice, the IEEE Standards Association
4:15 pm Student Poster Awards Prof. Sean Monemi, Cal Poly Pomona
4:30 pm Closing Remarks & SusTech 2024  

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