

IEEE Sustech 2016



Airport Marriott, Phoenix Arizona

Check out our SusTech 2016 Promotional Flyer

Registration is OPEN. Early deadline 14-Sep. Register here.

Enter our undergraduate student Poster Contest here.

NOTE: Review papers deadline extended to August 22. See Authors page.

4th IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability – SusTech 2016

We have never faced such a test, but neither have we encountered such great opportunity. You have the power to secure the well-being of this and succeeding generations.” -UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at the UN Climate Change Conference Paris 2015

Environmental Sustainability is at the forefront of global issues facing humanity. Advances in technology, policy and social behavior are essential for the pursuit of environmentally sound development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the future.

The IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech 2016) aims to explore the development and application of science, engineering, and technology to promote sustainability.

If you are passionate about the environment and sustainability, if you are developing innovative solutions to drive sustainable development, if you are interested in connecting to, learning from and collaborating with engineering, science, technology and community leaders, you MUST attend SusTech 2016.

The Conference will be held at Airport Marriott, 1101 North 44th Street Phoenix, AZ 85008 on October 9-11, 2016.


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